River Road Clothing Co. began as a side hustle for a working mom with a passion for designing stylish yet functional outdoor adventure gear. With no expectations of this dream becoming a thriving business, the original logo came from one of our popular t-shirt designs. Today, we'd like to introduce you to something new!

Our new logo reflects the twists and turns of a river flowing through each loop of the "R" with an added paddle board image to reflect our love for sun, fun, and outdoor adventure. Next, we're working on some new gear with this branding so you can help spread our message around the world.
Thank you to all of our loyal customers, fans, friends, and family for supporting this idea and the journey we've taken to build it. Cheers!
The Art of Outdoor Photography: Capturing Beauty (Not Just Half a Squirrel and Part of Your Thumb)
Embracing Back-to-School: Thoughts From a Working Parent