River Road Clothing Company proudly creates unique, handcrafted t-shirts, accessories & souvenirs for Texans and our visitors. We're born & raised Texans. We're artists, adventurers, wanderers, outdoorsmen & most of all river ramblers. We go with the flow. All of our designs are created by Johanna, the founder & graphic designer. 


We named our company after our love for the river. We spend most of our time on the Guadalupe. Both Matt & Johanna are graduates from San Marcos, Texas, sharing many memories on River Road.


We are based out of one of the most beautiful cities in Texas, New Braunfels. Our warehouse is about 4 minutes from Gruene.


Before River Road came about, our founder, Johanna was a professional photographer who did a little graphic design on the side. During a greeting card design challenge for Minted, she came up with so many ideas for Texas inspired cards, she decided she needed to do something else with them. With about 30 designs to create, she had some work to do. After about 6 months of putting the pencil to the paper, River Road was created. 

  River Road actually started out under a different name & was a children's only brand. After the first week of customers requesting that the kid designs be offered in adult sizes, she quickly realized the need to expand into something bigger. Since then, our brand has grown into not just shirts, but accessories as well & other products to come.


Our products are inspired by the great state of Texas and all of its distinctive culture, while our main focus is on river themed products. 

We also love designing products & souvenirs specific to New Braunfels & Gruene. Our town's German heritage is especially important to us, as our founder, Johanna happens to be 50% German. She loves mixing Germany with Texas to create quirky & unique products. Prost y'all!